How to use Components to add behaviour/functionality to GameObjects in Unity!
Components attach to GameObjects to give them functionality/behaviour.
A component is an Instance of a Class that exists in the Scene.
Custom components can be created to build any functionality you require in your game.
Create a custom component
Custom components are created by coding a Class, and then making it inherit from MonoBehaviour. This allows you to click-drag it onto any GameObject or Prefab, and gives the class access to MonoBehaviours’ features.
public class Player : MonoBehaviour {
public string _name; // This will show in the Inspector when dragged onto a GameObject.
void Start()
Debug.Log("This Start function only exists in MonoBehaviour!");
void Update()
Debug.Log("This Update function only exists in MonoBehaviour!");
Getting a component on the current GameObject
Building a physics object from scratch
Rigidbody is a Unity Component that allows the physics engine to take control of your GameObject.
Sphere Collider is a Unity Component that allows your GameObject to bump into things, so it won’t fall through the floor.
By adding both these components to a GameObject, it will create a realistic ball that will roll with physics.
Building a dog
Components allow you to build objects from modular pieces, so, to make a dog, you wouldn’t necessarily have a Component named “Dog”.
Instead, we build it out of Components that add behaviour, and attach them to the GameObject that represents the dog.
Bark is a custom Component that contains a Bark()
public class Bark : MonoBehaviour {
void Bark()
Jump is a custom Component that contains a Jump()
public class Jump : MonoBehaviour {
void Jump()
Microchip is a custom Component that contains microchip data about the dog’s owners.
public class Microchip : MonoBehaviour {
public string _ownerName = "Bob Smith";
public int _ownerHouseNumber = 100;
public string _ownerAddress = "Beverly Hills";
public string _ownerZipCode = "90210";
Building a Player character
CharacterController is a Unity Component that contains a useful Move()
function which allows us to collide with objects while moving.
Player is a custom Component that simply ‘tags’ a GameObject as the player. It’s used instead of Unity’s tag system.
public class Player : MonoBehaviour { }
MoveHorizontal is a custom Component that stores Input values and puts them into the CharacterController’s Move()
public class MoveHorizontal : MonoBehaviour {
private CharacterController _cc;
void Awake()
// Store CharacterController component
_cc = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
void Update()
// Create a float to store input value from A/D keys, left/right arrow keys, and left analog stick.
float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
// Create a Vector3 to store our direction. h moves us on the X axis, and v moves us on the Y axis.
Vector3 moveDirection = new Vector3(h, 0f, 0f);
// Apply movement
CharacterInfo lets us give our player a name, etc. It can also attach to any other character that needs a name.
public class CharacterInfo : MonoBehaviour {
public string _firstName;
public string _secondName;
public int _age;
- Public member variables will be initialized automatically by the editor.
public List<int> myList;
will work.public List<int> myList = new List<int>()
is still recommended.